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Dance Moves? (read details)?

all i can really do is sway and move my arms to the music... any basic dance moves i can do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well....i have an answer. first, what type of music is it? now for techno, and hip hop, i can shed some light. yes and even a little country line dancing. but im not going to tell u how to. but i will tell u a site where u can see it and get tutorials on how to dance tekno and hip hop. go to and type in cwalk tutorials, or techno tutorials. now the c-walk is a dance move that was originally intended for a popular eastern gang called the crips. but lately the dance has been used for various types of genres. especially for its awesome footwork. it looks cool and its easy. tekno, its more of a body movement thing. u should check out the sight. holla back learn footwork