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Adult Ballet?

I'm 20 years old and I have been thinking of starting beginning ballet. I started when I was 14 and did a great job but I had to quit do to my families finances. Ever since I was little I wanted to dance, but my family could never afford it.

Is it too late to even start again or should I take one more shot at it since I can afford it now?

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3 days ago
don't worry I don't want to make dancing my profession at all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
don't worry I don't want to make dancing my profession at all. you can do whatever you feel like! who cares what these other people say! i took ballet when i was younger for like 3 years and then i ended up quiting for a while takeing it up agian here and there... the last 3 years i havent done it thought until now... and although i have the vocabulary and stuff down my biggest thing is posture... therefor i am almost completly new to it all over again. But my Dance teacher at my school says that she is going to be haveing the school start a pointe class ( wich i think is pretty professional to me!) and after you take ballet 2 at school you can go to point wich meens in my 3rd semester of school i can start pointe so you are never to old and it isnt to late... i am 21 by the way. If you want to dance professinally, it′s late. If it′s not professionally, no matter at what age you start. I don't want to give you false hope about becoming a professional dancer - so the truth is that you are too old to ever become a professional ballerina - the odds are astronomically high against you. You can however take classes and join an amateur dance group and really have some fun, in addition to staying in shape etc.