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How can I put Belly dance moves together?

I have some belly daning DVDs and I can do some of the moves, my problem is putting the moves together, you anyone help? Anyone who is doing belly dancing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Unfortunately this is one of the drawbacks of learning from videos. I would recommend taking some actual lessons if you can. The problem is that you need to learn two things. The first is layering in which you add one movement on top of another the second is to learn to do transitions. I would suggest getting videos that teach combinations as they might help you with the transitioning somewhat. Also try getting several performance videos and watching how other dancer put moves together. This might help you with ideas of how you can put them together yourself. Another thing you might need to work on is learning to interpret arabic music as a dance. YOu should try to listen to arabic music as often as you can untill you know at least one song really well. Then try putting moves and combinations to that song and play around with it. It takes along time but eventually this sort of thing will come easily. Layering is important in belly dance. Hip movements with upper body movements can look graceful and complicated when they actually aren't. I like to do camels on top of figure eights and mayas. Doing moves while traveling is good too. It's easy to figure out what to put together if you look at the movements. Example: Downward movements like mayas should be followed by an upward movement like a reverse figure eight. if video don't help get a dancer instructor