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Position:Home>Dancing> What else happens at Homecoming besides dancing?


What else happens at Homecoming besides dancing?

I couldn't find a better catagory for my Q. I know that people dance at Homecoming (Duh), but what else happens? Do they just sit around and talk to their partner? Also, does anyone know what the website was for that Yahoo video that showed you how to dance for school dances? It had the Dance Doctor, and a lady who can do HipHop dancing.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: SHORT ANSWER:not much, and don't worry about pro dance, almost no-one knows how to dance. And you also take pictures and eat some refreshments. Sometimes you have day dates like going to a movie or something and sometimes have dinner together.
Here's how to have fun at a dance,
-Don't get to worried about always doing things,
It's more social than anything. You want to talk to you date a lot and just enjoy best you can being together!

-Don't worry about dancing, I personally am a ballroom dancer who has been doing it for about a year now and have figured that dances aren't about dancing professional dance. Mostly no-one knows how to dance, just have fun with it!

some ideas all the same:
Slow, -talk and drill a hole in the floor
(AKA: Just kind of take his hand and put your other hand on his upper arm and just kind of rock back and forth)

Rock, -jump um and down or lip synk

Rap, -Just pretend you know how to be gangster X-P

And you can always make up funny dance moves just to make your friends laph!

-Like your date,
okay this isn't really something you can really control that much but it makes a date 200% better. It makes your slow dances worth something and not just boring. It makes taking pictures fun, it just makes a fun time.

-And the fun of a formal dance is that you can show how you can be beautifully and formal, after all we spend 99% of our life not formal dressed. And it just fun because you just get to spend some quality time with your date, and act in a sense somewhat grown up!

hope that helps Source(s):
-been 2 girls choice dances, 1 formal
-Homecoming too and had an awesome time
-Been ballroom dancing for a year now (Latin, standard, American smooth, etc...)
-Just a cool guy most people after homecomming go to a party and get drunk and have sex there's like a game and a **** load of gossiping and then some rich snobs host parties with kegs and every guy thinks he's Brad Pitt and every girl thinks she's Angelina Jolie. just relax-- who the hell knows how to dance in high school? not many ppl...... yes - they dance they talk- they mingle.... and Im sure if you want or have the opportunity someone some where will have some trouble for you to get into afterwards.
Be careful and relax-- its about having a good time.