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Should I go to my homecoming dance?

It is my senior year of high school and I am supposed to go to my homecoming dance tomorrow. I have my dress and everything but all of a sudden I have no desire to go. I don't have a date which makes me sad and all me and my friends are going to do is stand around and take pictures. It sounds so boring and I don't want to spend all my money to get my hair done just to stand in a school gym. Then there is this other side of me wondering if I am going to miss out on anything. What should I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: go. maybe you can do your hair yourself, so it can't be a waste of money. and encourage your friends to get out there and dance, not be just a bunch of losers who stand there {i used to be one of these people} btw my homecoming dance is tonight and it is my senior year as well. and you definitely do not need a date to have fun. sometimes it is more fun to just hang with the girls. you don't want to be one of those people who looks back twenty years from now and wish you went to the dance. just go. it will do no harm. i hope you go and i hope you have a fabulous time! You can go and wait it out until the many afterparties. Thats what I usually do. Also its the last one you will be able to go to. If you have already invested the money, then go. Just because you are date-less does not mean you should just stand around and take pictures. It's a dance, do just that!

Don't be upset about going stag, probably half the people there will not have a date. Have fun!

It will definately be better than sitting at home wondering if everyone else is having a good time. I'm only 12. but you work hard in school deserve to go out your right to enjoy your last year . GO PARTAY.hang out have fun. your a boy so go pick up girls .Take them out and go on a date. Oh girl go. It's 2007 you don't need a date to go to the prom anymore. You will have a ball.