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Position:Home>Dancing> What should I be for Halloween?


What should I be for Halloween?

So, people I need help... I'm the kind of person that busts out costume ideas nobody else would think of... I need a few suggestions. This year all I can think of as being is:

1. Da Bomb
2. A French Kiss
3. A Bare-assed Baboon or
4. Michael Jackson

Can I get suggestions for a few more "crazy" ideas to help me out? Thank you for your off the wall answers. PEACE!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: sharpie marker Condom Package a tube of super super super glue! U should be Michael Jackson or or or a tube of tooth paste Depends. Im being the hulk. Im gunna paint myself green and walk around all day in cut-offs, ripping my shirts. get your friend and one of you can be the mustard bottle and the other ketchup! Maybe you could find a hotdog costume for a third friend you should be a french kiss or a kissing booth ( i saw one at a costume store)