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What do you wear to belly dance classes & do you have to show your stomach?

Starting belly dance classes at uni and have no idea what to wear

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: tee shirt and comfy pants are normally OK. you do not have to show your stomach, just wear whats comfortable. its going to be much easier to pay attention if your comfy. i might suggest something slightly fitted if your not OK with wearing a leotard, but whatever you want is normally fine unless they specifically said something. ENJOY!! Source(s):
6 years of belly dance you can wear sweats, shorts, or anything comfortable & i don't think you have to show ur belly. but in case you do wear a tank top & tie it up. There are no requirements for dress. You need not show your stomach unless you feel comfortable doing so. Traditionally bellydancers did not bare their abdomens at all. Many dancers wear a pair or exercise pants (or dance pants available from dance wear retailers such as Capeizio) and either an exercise top, a t-shirt or a choli (an Indian style midriff bearing shirt). Some dancer prefer a unitard. There are also unitards that offer a mesh midriff such as those available through Dahlal.
Some dancers like to wear a skirt instead of or over pants and ocassionally you find someone wearing harem pants. Other than this although it is not required I would highly recommend a hip wrap. Personally I think one with coins is best because it allows you to hear what your hips are doing. You may want to wear the same kind of belt or wrap that your instructor does because it makes it easier to compare what they are doing with your own movements. I wear a fitted tshirt or tank, a pair of comfortable knit pants and a pair of socks. After a while in class your bare feet will get sore.