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What is a school dance usually like?

6th grade
Middle school dances
Do I need a date?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ive only been to one. And it was in 6th grade. You don't need a date. Actually I think over half didn't even have dates. I guess we just weren't into the dating thing. Except for the ones that were already going out , nobody had dates. I didn't want to dance but I was made to dance with this guy lol. I will always remember though. He was kinda cute. :) But it wasn't like a dance dance like you think. We did like the 'if you wanna be a duck ' song and weird stuff haha. It'll be fun, trust me. no just go with your friends if you want. you dont need a date. goo and have fun. they are fun!
i love em!
im in eighth grade and they are so fun!
ummm i dont think that you need a date.
i just dance with my friends and then on slow songs a guy just usually dances with you or you get paired up! Take a date if you're already going out with a guy.

If not, go with your friends.

School dances are usually just an excuse to be more immature and crazy than you already are...even though it implies the opposite...or maybe that was just for me? Heh. Ah, good ol' first dances. First of all, have fun and don't take things too seriously! It's meant for you to have fun with...:)

Anyways, as for the date thing...I wouldn't think so. If you have a one or more girlfriends, just hang out with them. It would be less stressful (sometimes pre-teens/teenagers get a little too serious/dramatic at dances...I've been there, lol), and more fun for all of ya.

There will be school chaperones (probably some of your teachers, but I'm not sure at all), a table with drinks and snacks, a DJ, disco-type lights, and music! Whoo! Have fun! you dont really need a date. their will always be someone there without somebody. school dances are as fun as you make them. if you go by yourself or friends have fun dance or just mingle with people. its something you will remember thru out the years and be glad you went. so go ! put on those dancing shoes and bust a move. who cares if you cant dance your there to have fun Not unless you want to take one. When I was in middle school, all of the dances weren't real "dances". All the kids did was stand or sit around and chat with friends. Snacks were provided. Some things we had to pay for, like pizza, hotdogs, nachos, and drinks. Other times we didn't have to pay, if it was just small snack foods like chips, dip, cookies, sometimes drinks, etc. Music played in the background. Sometimes a kid would bust a move if a certain song happened to be playing at the time that they liked to dance to, and sometimes other kids would join in, sometimes they didn't. If the DJ happened to play a song that required a dance, then almost everyone danced. Otherwise, most kids didn't dance. Most kids might go with a group of friends rather than asking a guy or girl out. It was a time to spend with friends you made at school, without the subject of school coming up. Forget about how you did on Ms. Hughes' math test. Don't worry about getting those Social Studies questions turned in to Ms. Young in time. Right now all you worry about is spending more time with friends, and possibly making new ones.

The only one you would be expected to ask someone out might be the Sadie Hawkins dance, your 8th grade prom (if your school does one), or when you get to high school your Junior/Senior prom. No hahaha, 6th grade dances are all about
dancing the hell out of your night and chillin with friends, homecoming in 9th grade is when you need a date [: I've only been to one and it was kinda a middle/high school dance because it was homcoming!!

But I didn't have a date and none of my friends did either we just went together and had fun!! We danced around (asked guys to dance) and just went crazy!! LoL!!

Don't sweat it though you'll be fine. I'm actually going to another one friday!

Have fun!! don't need a date. most people won't have one. have fun with it and relax. it will be lots of fun.