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Position:Home>Dancing> ~Do you guy's have tips for being a good DJ and getting all the chicks :D?


~Do you guy's have tips for being a good DJ and getting all the chicks :D?

I am new to DJing as i am onley 15 how should i start getting gigs and learning how good i am? Plus got tips for being a hit with the ladys XD thanks chaos grammer and spelling can go die!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There's a lot of discussion about how to focus on keeping the dance floor energized by being attentive to what people want to hear. You enjoy the idea of being a DJ? or the just the idea of getting "chicks" (ack HATE when we are called that) But the girls can wait, plenty of time for that, if you really like music and want to learn the trade of DJ, let that come first and foremost, the rest will be there for you eventually. djs arent into getting chicks at the dance. they only set the music to put on a mood for chicks and their partners. i'm a dj but i don't go djing to get "men"...
you've got it all wrong dude!
you should be djing for the passion of music and nothing else...
wouldn't get successful if you've got THAT perspective, i tell you......