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Tap shoes broken and scratched? help !?

I just got new capezio tap shoes (tan mary jane style). Walking out of dance, i had forgotten my dance bag in my friend's mom's car since she had drove us and my mom was picking up. Nowwww; I put them on and noticed while I was part-walking-part-dancing in the parking lot, the taps are extremely scratched. Will they still work and tap the same?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: they get scratched from normal use, but dont wear them outside of the studio anyway. also, the capezio 3800 (the mary jane you have) is notorious for the taps falling off. its easily replaced, we do them right in our store, so watch out for that, but no, the scratches are probably from your class, and not a problem at all. yes. actually, in most cases, the more worn and broken in they are, the better they sound. they totally will, if you're really worried, then you can get the taps replaced, but that is unnecessary, you can still use them, my friend does that all the time, and she's a great tapper, she can do wings and she has been outside with those shoes like 4 times. Even though, they still work, you shouldn't do it again. oh of course, they would end up like that anyway.
but be careful, alot of studios FORBID wearing your tap shoes off of the dance floor and into a parking lot or sidewalk because loose gravel could become stuck in them and chip up the dance floor (marley or wood alike) the next time you dance.