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How many of you can do....?

the crank that dance??

i tried on youtube but i forgot it already lol.

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2 days ago
hahaha i noe rite! im too white to do that...... but idk my ffriend can do it really good and shes the whitest person youll ever meet (:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
hahaha i noe rite! im too white to do that...... but idk my ffriend can do it really good and shes the whitest person youll ever meet (: I CAN I CAN! <3 ooo everyone on cross country can do it, except me cause im just stupid lol Brooke, don't be so hard on yourself. I myself only dance like a stupid white girl. I just sit on the sidelines and watch. I CAN! hahha, If you have some dancing ability and
you're not an awkward person and you're around people who know it, you'll get it, IT's freakin easy ;] this makes me laugh...well, laugh and feel really old. i graduated high school in 2000 and i like to think im not 80, but i cant help but think what would have happened if anybody had ever done a choreographed dance like this in public when i was your age. punched in the face lol!