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Has anybody ever done contemporary dance lessons?
What did you wear?
What streches did you do?
What kind of things did you do in the lesson?

Please only answer this question only of you have done contemporary lessons.

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2 days ago
I will just let everyone know that I cannot do the splits, will this be neccessary to learn to do contemporary dancing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
I will just let everyone know that I cannot do the splits, will this be neccessary to learn to do contemporary dancing? I've been doing contemporary ballet along with classical ballet for 12 years now. Because all the people doing contemporary have a classical ballet background, we mostly wear the same leotards we wear in classical with warm-up shorts, but sometimes we might put on some form-fitting tank top also. And convertible tights.

The teacher does not give us any stretching exercises, but we often go there half an hour earlier to stretch and warm up. We lie down in our splits, do some lunges, and some releves. There is also this exercise where we lie on our back, lift our legs in the air, 90degrees to the floor, completely straight, and do beating actions in the air with legs turned out.

We also stretch our backs, either on our own (putting our arms on the back of our heads and lying on the floor with stomach facing the floor, and lifting your body up to 90degrees), or we do it with some friends (the same positiong, but the friend would be facing the opposite direction, and our legs would be intertwined, and then we would lift our bodies up and pull each other's arms so that we can reach further backward).

In the lesson, the teacher usually start with putting on some music, and let all of us dance to the music. In this part, we're allowed to look in the mirror and look at our moves, so we can correct our moves and position. Later, she would go through with us a new choreography, we work through the moves and then later, she puts on the music, and we go through the dance once, focusing on our moves and technique, before she covers the mirror, and we repeat the dance again, but this time, we dance with our own interpretation, focusing more on our emotions.

After a few repeats, she will review with us on the dance, and, using the choreography taught to us as a foundation, we incorporate new moves into it, and put in some new choreography of our own. She will then let us dance one by one while the others watch. Each of us will pick one of the dancer's choreography to learn, and then we would show it after all of us have shown our choreographies.

Each lesson is 3hrs long, and there are around 10 students per class. Yes I've done contemporary dance lessons.
I wore leotard, convertible tights (I wore them rolled up), Foot thongs and shorts. But you will find lots of people just wearing tshirts and loose pants.
We just did a normal warmup with a little bit of Yoga.
We start off with some floorwork, things from the corner and then just start a dance. You use your whole body in contemporary which is why i love's a little bit hard for me to explain :(

I hope this helps! yes i have i wore a black leotard with black tights underneath and a yellow silk skirt over the top and we did some normal lean over stretches and we did some dances with a bit of a twist in it kinda just like modern dance really that was in junior class then when i moved up to the higher class we had to wear black trousers and a top with our logo on it ................ we did some much harder dances with a much longer warm up which included stretches and jogging to about 2 songs without stopping lol but yh its fun !!!!! go for it for contemporrary i usually wear yoga pants or capris and a tank top. if i have to wear tights, convertible. im personally a big fan fo wearing black to dance. half soles, foot undies, or barefoot. foor thongs work well, too. stretches are prett much the same as any other class, but you may do things like isolations, and things done in a combo instead of, "ok now we do a split".
contemporary involves a lot fo non traditional movements, so be prepared to do things, especially jumps and turns, that start off normal but hane some twist to them.