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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to try out for the dance team at my studio (read details)?


I want to try out for the dance team at my studio (read details)?

Last year when i tried out I didn't have the technique, because I only took hip hop. This year I am taking Ballet, Jazz, and Modern, but how can I improve my technique faster so I have a better chance at making the team next year?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ballet is the best place to get your technique, especially barre work. Try video taping yourself and look for ways to improve. Are you always turned out? Are you always on the balls of your feet? Are your arms strong and sharp? It's hard to see yourself in the mirror while you're moving, I always found video taping to be more eye opening to my mistakes. it depends on your studios idea of "technique" all those seperate dances should help you get in because you will have more styles to pull from when actually dancing for the team. The coaches are probably looking for a broad range of talent instead of just one specific skills. All you need is to be mediocre at several styles. All you can do is practice any technique stuff they teach you during class 24/7 All I can say is practice.
If you've taking ballet for a little while, try taking pointe. It's like 'advanced ballet' if you will...and it requires a lot of skill.
