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I really wnt 2 dance!!?

i really wnt 2 dance!!
but i cant ...
here in my plce..
ders no dance workshops!!..
what am i going to do?!!
i just wnt 2 form a unique step but i cant!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in my opinion everybody can dance, it may not be very good but hey, and to choreograph a piece I either make the steps up and then find music to match the steps, or I find music I want to dance to then listen to it 2-3 times all the way through with my eyes close not doing anything then I open my eyes, get off the floor and boom i got a piece you have to just listen to the music, feel the beat and dance. dancing is a mechanism that is built into all human beings. you can do it. I want to dance as well but I have problems with coordination, besides whenever I am in a class i can't seem to remember all the movements... but I still want to dance because it makes me happy.. do whatever makes you happy:) good luck:) Find your local commuty collage and see if they have a dancing class do u dace barefoot with shoes on your feet?
I would dance with u if u lived near me watch the movie "Step up" turn on music and express yourself

^_^ Girl all i have to say is just shake what yo' mama gave ya because u should just feel tha music and go wiht it, it's ok th workshop will work out fine, just have faith i hve faith in ya u can do it!!! Take dance classes.And look online how to dance or whatever you want to do.