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Trouble turns?

i am having trouble spotting on my turns ... i keep losing my balance.... what should i do...?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been taking dance for over 11 years. The trick is to always look straight ahead. don't move your eyes at all. And concentrate on your posture. You don't want to be leaning back or forwards while turning. Spotting your head quickly does help. And lastly before you take off for a turn make sure if your coming from a fourth position to be equally weighted on both feet! Hope all turns out well and good luck! Fix your eyes on one spot, and keep your head fixed in a position so you can look at it until you can't twist your head anymore--then quickly twist your head around so you can see it from the other angle. pretty much, find one spot and look at it the entire time. Also have CONFIDENCE! If you think you cant turn, you're not going to ever be able to turn. BUt if you think you can, then you will be able to turn. Think of you torso as a square. You have to work on kepping your hips and center and shoulders in line to work on balance. But most importantly have confindence! good luck with the turns! try spotting with out turning make sure everyting is inline and spot jus turning in circle..gradually increase speed til u spped to turn When you are spotting try to relax ur neck and then you will spot better and straighten out your turns. 1. Pick something that is eye level with you and spot it. Just whip your head around really fast.

2. You have to use your center muscles to keep your balance. Try doing lots of crunches. That will get your stomach in better shape. And then you just have to tighten your center muscles at all times. That will definitely help you balance.

3. You have to put force into your turns.