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Lyrical songs?

any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, I have to agree that anything written by Avril Lavigne are really good choices for lyrical. Along with "Fallin" by Alicia Keyes. But just listen to some songs, and anything that makes you feel something deeply, and that you can express it through dance moves, then it's an excellent choice. Anything by Bob Dylan, The Wallflowers, Johnny Cash, or Tom Petty. =D But those are just my personal favorites, Bob and Jakob Dylan's lyrics are so deep too. Hope I helped out some! Why by Avril Lavigne death cab for cutie. specifically "what sarah said", "death of an interior decorator", and "Lightness". Tom Waits has this "song" titled "What's He Building In There?" is a mind raping piece. Tori Amos' "Icicle" or "Pretty Good Year".