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Does anyone have any good balancing on Pointe tips?

I'm pretty good at balaning on pointe, but i really want to be able to balance longer so i can get my triple turns out. I always seem to fall somewhere!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First, make sure your weight stays balanced over the gap between your big toe and the one next to it. I shift my weight onto my big toe sometimes to get multiple turns (especially fouettes), and it always ends badly.

Second, posture. Your ab muscles are obviously the most important part (so lots of crunches and plank pose), but don't neglect anything else. Keep your chest elevated, your spine straight, your shoulders in place, your chin high, your butt squeezed, your knees straight... all that stuff.

Third, make sure you're using your arms and your prep effectively. If they're just decent, but not good, you can get through a single or double and look okay, but a triple or more will kill you.

Fourth, practice. Duh. You need to train your balance and train your body to move properly so that it becomes instinct.

Good luck! Practice, practice, practice. And do crunches and other things to strengthen your center. ya i's all in the core! ab exercises will definitely help use your psoas muscle and squeeze your bum. You have to use your center and your butt muscles. They have to stay tight all the time. When you are doing your pirouette's you have to think UP. When you are going to land in from your pirouette try to balance up at the end. You really just have to build your center muscles to balance on pointe.