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Grinding with someone shorter than you?

Okay, so I'm quite tall for a girl my age (16), I'm 5"9.6', so in a lot of cases I'm taller than the guys I'd be dancing with. Our homecoming is coming up, and all the people at my school do is grind. That's okay with me (although I think I'd like a little more confidence in my abilities...), but so far I've limited myself to dancing with guys who are taller than me--all three of them. This time, I think I'd like to try grinding with a guy shorter than me--I'm just not sure how that'd work.
Any tips?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just pretend hes taller then you..or change your moves to fit with his body, im tall like that too, so i no this from myself that it is hard to dance with shorter guys, and even harder dating them... Height is mostly irrelevant. Just get out there and have a good time. So let me get this straight. Just because everyone else in your school does it, you're ok with acting like a baboon and having fake sex on a dance floor. And girls wonder why guys don't treat them with respect. Try looking for a guy who actually has moves, and show the rest of your school just how idiotic they look. PS-I'm not old, grinding started when I was in middle school. It's just as stupid looking to me now as it was then. just do it, height doesent matter i would think that is werid becasue i would always see it as the guy is taller then the girl