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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you make it look like your a good hip hop dancer or at least a good dance


How do you make it look like your a good hip hop dancer or at least a good dancer for?

so i won't look like an idiot for the 8th grade dance please help me guys and if you think i should take dancing lessons please say so and say which kind

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First off, you stop freaking out. What you see on T.V. where everybody but one person is perfectly choreographed doesn't happened, most people there WILL 'look like idiots', and they have more fun then the people who freaked out about it and spent months learning how to dance 'right.' The key is being relaxed and not worrying about it; wait for a song you like, move naturally, and have fun, it's not a competition.

You can't dance in a style that's not yours, so you can't just watch someone else and learn. If you insist on taking lessons, put on a song you like alone and dance to it, try different places and figure out which one feels right. Source(s):
I had a helluva lot more fun when I stopped caring about how I looked and danced at the last dance I went to. simple just watch mtv..or you could put on your favorite songs relax find the beat and move with it.