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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it called "crunk" dancing or "crump" dancing?


Is it called "crunk" dancing or "crump" dancing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Krumping is a relatively new form of dance within the "urban" and street dance movements, and is characterized by free, expressive and highly energetic moves. The form is attributed as having originated in the community of South Los Angeles.

It mostly looks like angry people dancing, but its pretty g.
Its like poppin, some bboying, and some explosive moves added in. Source(s):
Seen it
Do it Crump it is. It's called Krump (with a K, not a C) dancing. its krump
they're both right,crunk is for hip-hop (just plain dancing) and krump is kinda like break dancing I've heard krumping. its called WTF? Its called crumping Neither. It's "krump," and it's a form of hip hop. Chris Brown does it in his movies and his videos. Krumping... check out the movie Rize and you'll see where it all started. Awesome form of expression and movement.