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Backwards walkovers?

Right i have been trying to do a backward walkover for ages now and i just can't do it.I can go into a 'crab postion' from standing but can't get my legs over!!!
Any tips , all helps! x
(Nearly broke my arm trying yesterday!)
don't worry i do it on mats at school xD

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2 days ago
Haha i ment bridge not crab postion and thanks for all answers they were very uselful !
I can do a back bend from standing xD

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
Haha i ment bridge not crab postion and thanks for all answers they were very uselful !
I can do a back bend from standing xD first of all try doing it over something, if you have a large exercise ball that would be perfect. If not try the arm of a couch or living room chair. You need to pull from your stomach so this will help strengthen those muscles. Once you feel comfortable that way get into a backbend position, walk your hands in as close to your feet as you can,(this gives you some leverege) and try lifting one leg over. Remember you really have to pull up from your stomach, not just kick your leg over.
Be careful, and don't let your mom see you hanging on the furniture. because you said youre pushing up into a bridge, i will first suggest learning to do a good back bend from standing. this will put your hands in closer proximity to your feet and a better arch into your back, so your abs wont have to work as hard. they key is to make the weight transfer from yoor feet to your hands effortless. learn to do a backbend from a standing position. work on going backwards, and then returning to standing by using your back and stomach muscles.

do crunches to build your abs.

when you are in a backbend, right as you kick your leg up, contract your stomach muscles. try having someone spot you until you can do it on your own. You should take a gymnastics class, because they will have a spotter who can help you. Your local parks and recreations department or YMCA probably offers inexpensive classes, if your school does not.

I am right handed, and I was taught to help momentum by standing with my right foot slightly ahead of the left. That way, when my hands hit the mat, my right leg automatically was first in the air and helped me kick over. to start off stack up a coupl of mats and put them under ur feet. then wen u try to kick over it shoud be easier because ur legs dont have to go as far. as u improve take the mats away slowly and u shoud have it in no time!!! i hope this helps u out!!! o and im pretty sure its called a ;bridge' not a 'crab position' hahaha

<3 <3 <3 the way i learned i was on a cheese matt
(wedged shape) and i went into a backbend and since it was a little downhill shape i simply began trying to kick over and the hill helped .. so i say find a hill and practice .. make sure when you kick your legs are straight and that your hips dont stay there .. make sure they go with you They're really hard at first but you get used to them eventually.
I find it slightly easier to have one foot pointed (the one that kicks over first) when I'm in the bridge position to start.
Then it's just the hard bit of giving your legs a right good kick over.

As long as you keep your arms strong and straight you shouldn't have a problem.

And well done for being able to back bend from standing - it makes a lot of tricks much easier once you can do this
