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What to wear to lyrical?

tomorrow i am starting my first lyrical class. i take ballet, jazz, and hip hop already. They canceled one of my jazz classes because i was the only one who signed up for it. So, i decided to take up a beginning lyrical class. I can't buy things tomorrow, so for my first day, I was thinking:

-dance shorts like these
-and a fitted tank

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2 days ago
oh, and should i go bare footed or wear my ballet shoes?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
oh, and should i go bare footed or wear my ballet shoes? Your clothing sounds fine! i prefer to wear a leotard under my shorts and tank, but thats preference. Go ahead and bring your ballet shoes, but you may decide not to use them. This is also preference. If you have foot thongs or foot undeez, i suggest bringing those, but if not thats okay too. You can wear all those things.
Also consider wearing a top that goes under the bust and flows out over a leotard with legwarmers.
Thats what i wear.
:] in my lyrical class i always wear a leotard, tights, and then either foot thongs or barefoot I dance lyrical I wear:

knee leggings
a tank or tight shirt
ballet shoes you can usually wear anything for lyrical so anything you decide to wear should be fine..i usually wear sweatpants and a t-shirt lol..