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Position:Home>Dancing> Well i cant come up with new moves and i keep doing the same ones i need help. h


Well i cant come up with new moves and i keep doing the same ones i need help. how can i learn different moves

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Watch other people and see what they do.Or just learn it from videos.It doens matter what style you do but think of diffrent ideas.And watch other people and see what they do. Duh take a class Well you could get a dance video, or just look up videos online and see what kinda of moves they do. I dont know what kind of dancing u are looking for moves in, but for something like:tap, ballet, jazz, or hiphop, just turn on a good song and free dance, that way you can come up with awesome moves taht are origional and your style! Dude you don't have to take a class. Go on youtube and look up some moves. Look up a korean band like B-Boys. Or Se7en. They're really good.