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How do I do a barrel leap?

I'm still in high school, and in our class, we are being taught a lyrical dance. The girl teaching us is pretty cool, but I just don't know how to do a barrel leap. It looks easy, but I don't know how to do it. What leads up to it is a high chenee to the right, and then a low chenee, and then you turn into the barrel leap and fall to the ground. Does anyone know how to explain this to me? Thanks so much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: kick your front leg up like you were doing a leap and then put ur back leg in attitude while you turning sort of in the air.
=/ idk how to explain it really just watch it closely cuz if you watch it a bunch of times you'll see the exact footsteps which are what are always the tricky part, they have to be exact. They're easy once you get the hang of em.