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Ballet Dancers Only Please?

Can you wash you (ballet) tights in the washer? I'm afraid they'll get ruined! I don't want them to get stuvk on something and rip them!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yea of course! how else r u sposed to wash them?! haha yea that wat i always do and never once have they snagged on anything. but if they already have a run in them u might not wanna out them in the wash cuz it will make it worse. and if thats the case just buy a new pair of tights. there like 2 bucks so nbd! i hope this helped u!!

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dancer for 11 years goin on 12 I used to wash my ballet tights in the washer all the time. You may want to hang dry them, though, instead of putting them through the dryer. They'll keep their elasticity longer that way. Sure thing! If you're concerned about them getting twisted and stretched, buy a lingerie bag (available at most market stores in the laundry section) and put them in there before washing to keep them safe.

You can also simply wash them on the gentle cycle.

And, as the answer above said, hanging them to air dry is the way to go. Yes, they're not like pantyhose. If you are still afraid then use one of those net laundry bags to feel better about it. Tights are much more durable than pantyhose - have no fear.
I wash my dance stuff on the Delicate cycle anyway and stuff like tights I let hang dry. Yeah but dont put them in the dryer. The washer should be fine. If you want to be acreful thought, put them in with your delicates, thats what i do. I wash my ballet tights in the washer, but you might want to have it on gentle because there's always the possiblility of them ripping. yea you can put them in the washer but up should hang them to dry. u can wash them, but hang them up 2 dry, so they dont shrink, and it lessens the chance of tears! no i wash my tights in the washer all the time. just make sure you dont put them in the dryer because they will shrink and you wont be able to wear them. the washer is fine, but hang them to dry! yeah its fine...just dont put them in the dryer!!! they make some net type bag things. That's what I put mine in. Then don't put them in the dryer. Just let them sit out overnight to dry.