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Position:Home>Dancing> I love to dance but in a way i also hate it. I don't know weather i should k


I love to dance but in a way i also hate it. I don't know weather i should keep doing ballet or quit. help me

I just need to get some advice because i am really stuck.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know how you feel.
Both my parents were profesional classical dancers and I made the difficult decision to quit when I was 15. For me I could just see how hard the road ahead was going to be and I had so many other talents that didn't require such heartache and pain. I was tall, had trouble staying skinny and had the worst turnout ever and even though I loved ballet so much, it had been my while life I just knew I wasn't going to make it.

I'm sure you're aware of just how hard it is to succeed at dance. Are you really really good at it? Because if you're not and you're doubting whether you even want to do it then you won't succeed. You have to have both the passion and the ability.

Quitting ballet doesn't mean you have to stop dancing. There's always the opportunity to do it in a more fun way (and everyone will think you're really good!).

Give it till the end of this year then think long and hard about the other opportunities you could be pursuing.

There's no shame in giving up and life will go on - you just never know what's around the corner. Source(s):
Hope that helped. umm... darlin I think that if you like it because it's your passion then do it, but if it gets on your nerves because it's hard don't quit! Good Luck deciding! Questions to ask yourself:
1. How long have u been dancing ballet?
2. What do u like about it?
3. What do u hate about it?

Maybe you should try diff dance styles... everyone is different and have different styles. Do u like pop music? If you do u should try taking hiphop or if u like jazz music than take jazz and so on... remember dancing isnt everyones thing! Try different things like sports or hobbies.
GOOD LUCK Personally, ballet is my favorite type of dance to study and perform. Jazz is a close second. For a while when I was about 8, I contemplated quitting because I didn't think I was good enough and everything seemed so hard. I decided to stick with it to move up in jazz, and now I absolutely love it. If you feel that ballet isn't benefiting you and never will, try to look at the future. Ballet is pretty much the basis for a lot of other types of dance. It also keeps you fit and flexible. It makes me a lot more aware of my whole body when I take other forms of dance. If you reaaaally don't like it, try taking a year off. If you miss it, go back. If you feel fine with quitting, do what you want when the time comes. My advice: stick with it. Hard times pass, and once you learn more skills I think you may find it to be more fun. This is your decision, but in the end I think you would regret quitting.