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Position:Home>Dancing> Why do fat guy and girls try to dance? look i go to the club to dance and see pe


Why do fat guy and girls try to dance? look i go to the club to dance and see people shake there booty?

there booty not there gut

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: why is what you want important? they want to be in the "group" and focus your attention in something else Live and let live. Probably for the same reason stupid people go on Yahoo answers and ask stupid questions that make no grammatical sense, (see above). everybody likes to dance, and if somebody is overweight it doesnt mean they shouldnt be entitled to dance.
now if they are purposefly shaking their gut it may just mean that they arent a very good dancer. They are there to have a good time like everybody else. everybody is free to dance, i do agree, however, that you shouldn't do it in a tube top and bootie shorts if youre pushing 300 pounds, which is a frequent, tragic, occurance. just because the hot pants with "holla back" on the *** come in your size, doesn't mean you have to wear them. Why? Because they feel the music. Instead of watching the body, watch the face. You will see lots of beautiful bodies out on the dance floor moving like they are being killed with faces that look like their dog's just been killed. You'll also see big guys and girls out there having a blast, regardless of what other people think. My dancing on the dance floor is not for you; it's for me.
If a big guy or girl goes out on the dance floor and dances next to you and you disapprove of what's shaking, just remember, the next day they can wake up and lose weight; unfortunately, it sounds like you're stuck being a quick-to-judge jerk!