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Homecoming dance... 7th grade...?

OK, so were having a homecoming dance at my school and there's a football game right before... so we would be going to the high school (which is like 3 blocks away) for the football game and then going to the middle school for the homecoming dance... see, I don't know if I know anyone that's going, it's more of the thing that the really "popular" kids go to. I mean, I'm friends with a few of them but I think they might be too caught up in their posse. Sooo, my question is, should I even go? I mean, it's only 6$! And if I do go, what should I wear?
I'm 12, 7th grade
I'm not wayyy popular but I'm not a nerd
I'm 5'0 and the dance is casual. I don't know why they are calling it a "homecoming dance" but whatever.
I will wear anything that isn't goth!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay here goes.
I'm in seventh grade too. So, I know how you feel. Im 12, and not a nerd, but not one of the populars. My homecoming dance is tomorrow, and I'm still trying to figure out what to wear. Anyways, you should wear probably a really cute graphic tee, with jeans or a skirt (depending on how fancy you wanna be) then, a fkip flops or ballet flats are always a good one. So put those on and you should be ready to go, except if ur parents allow u too, I would wear just a hint of makeup! Good Luck and HAVE FUN! In a "homecoming dance", the "home" is the school, since you spend a lot of time at your school and because you see your friends a lot there, its sort of like a second "home". Real homecoming dances are for high schools, though, so don't be looking for some of the really nice dresses you usually see poeple buy for homecoming in movies. It sounds like for your school, it is just an informal dance, and thus should be treated as such. Wear nice, but not dressy clothes. it sounds like you want to go so you should just go. you got nothing to loose, right? i definately think you should wear something that you are comfortable in!! cause if you don't feel comfortable with what you were, you won't stop thinking about it and won't be able to relax and have a good time. why don't you ask your friends what they are going to wear? yes, jeans, cute shirt Wear something that makes u stand out more than a regular ordinary day. Hav people turn their head 2 look at u so theyll b lik "WOW u look GREAT!" if you want to go, just go...i wouldn't go with a bunch of popular people, they're always snobby and get to caught up in their selves. i'd just find real friends to go with. and $6 is a rip off for a dance, they're only $3 here. wear something comfy because no one likes to dance in something totally form fitting or anything like that.