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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you break into your new dance shoes.?


How do you break into your new dance shoes.?

I'm in ballroom and hate breaking in new shoes! So i was wondering if anyone had any ideas on breaking them in.

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1 day ago
Oh by the way they're Latin pumps.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 day ago
Oh by the way they're Latin pumps. try a slow fox trot,brown paper .soak the paper and put in your shoe very tight and leave over night. A trick that my mother taught me works well for me. Half fill a sink with hot water. Stir into the hot water about two tablesoopns vegetable oil. Use several clean dishcloths, soaking them first in the hot oily water and wringing the water out of them really well. Then, press the hot, wet cloths into the shoes and pack them tightly, filling the entire shoes without distorting their shape. Let the cloths completely dry inside of the shoes. The shoes will then be softer and more comfortable. To help the cloths dry faster, I place my shoes on top of the dryer as I dry clothes. Where um around your house beforehand. Walk around in um! get someone to wear it for you for a week. :) seriously though, the brown paper bag thing works really well and it doesn't ruin the shoes too. Why break into them? What do you want to steal?