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Ballet music?

where can i get ballet music for barre? Anyone know of anything? (preferably on itunes)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if you just search "ballet music" on itunes, you get a few choices. i have to of the CDs...and they're both really goo. my favorite is Apres le Plie Music for Ballet Class from Lisa Harris. Ballet Music: Ballet Etudes from Robert Long is also really good. they both have great songs for both barre and center. Anything that is classical music, or if you do not care for classical music, you can do recent songs like "Apologize" by Timbaland or "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera. Some classical songs could be symphonies by Beethoven or Pachelbel. Good Luck! This link had several options although I'm not sure if they're available on iTunes.

You can also look for things like Cinderella, the Nutcracker, or other classical ballets since those should be easy to find on iTunes.

Amazon has quite a few options as well. You can probably search for these CD's or individual tracks from iTunes. Lisa Harris!
She has all of her music labeled by exercise and speed and i love all of them
:] not on itunes but they have it on amazon, i got ALL my exam music from them