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How do you know when to get new pointe shoes???

i never know when to get knew pointe shoes until my teacher yells at me to get new ones. Are there any signs??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You should be able to start feeling the floor through the ends of your pointe shoes when you're up on pointe, and you may also have trouble getting up and staying up on pointe because the shank of the shoe has been broken in, so it won't be giving you as much support as you need.

If you're still not sure, ask your teacher (before she gets to the pointe of yelling at you) if you need new shoes. You should know about how long one pair should last (generally a year? depends on how much you use them and what brand). Ask your teacher around that time if you need new pointe shoes.

Hope this helps! Wouldn't you be able to feel it on your toes? I know that when i need to change my pointe shoes i get more blisters or my big toes really hurt after being on pointe. this is because the very tip of the shoes will begin to soften and you will feel the floor when you go on pointe. i hope this helps you and that you have fun dancing on pointe if you bend you sank and it fells like it is to soft or when you push the top of your box!!!
if you dont have money to get new point shoes>use JET GLUE>its a life saver it help me soo much. if you use it make sure that everey thing is straisg just the way you want it because if not it will set like that and you wont be able to get it back!