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Dance Room!?

im redecorating my bedroom to be all about dance. I was thinking of having a little bar on one side so i can practise my ballet and pointe and a huge mirror but i dont know what else to do? Thanks=)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Decorate your walls with your worn out pointe shoes, designate a special "dressing room" area where you have a makeup table and chair and special shelves / hooks / baskets for your dancewear. Possibly get one of those mirrors with the lights around them (they sell small versions too if you don't want to get a big wall version). Put books about dance on your bedside table.

I would keep the walls fairly neutral since if you have a large mirror any "clutter" will be reflected back at you so keep posters and photos BIG. One or two large posters or artworks will look less busy than lots of small wall hangings. Also, this means you'll be able to see your lines while practicing better. To jazz them up consider painting two tone - one color on top and another about hip height.

Have a memories area of your recitals etc, get someone to take a black and white headshot of you and sign it then frame it as if you're already a star. How about adding pictures of your favorite dancers and style of dance? Also, maybe you can add some full length mirrors. spray paint old dance shoes and ad jewels and pretty ribbons and hang them on the walls. Have one wall with all your dance pictures starting from when you were little and progressing up. Have fun decorating! paint the walls with ballet slippers and musical symbols, also put in wooden floors to make it look like a studio.

put lights around the mirrors (it looks really cool!!)

Good luck and happy redecorating!!