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Position:Home>Dancing> Which part of the foot would i use for a releve??


Which part of the foot would i use for a releve??


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the ball of your foot or on point you would use your toe Stand on the balls of your feet (or on your tip toe). But with the ballet shoes wherre you can stand on your toe, stand on your toes. And lift your heels. Do this up and down. You'll get it the ball of your foot. you start standing and then you just rise up onto ur toes. its as easy as that!!

<3 <3 <3 Ball of your foot, aka the metatarsal. Here are some pictures (links below). Whatever you do, don't go on the tips of your toes, unless you're in pointe shoes. Also, for a good releve, go as high as you can---really stretch! You would use the balls of your feet. if in flat shoes, releve implies raising onto the ball of the foot with extension through the arch, the heel being the highest part of the foot. if youre in pointe shoes, its being on your actual philanges