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What can I where to a 6th grade dance?

OMG Help Me!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: shorts that aren't to reveiling but still cute and tank top. Are you a boy or girl first of all?
Sorry for being ignorant, but i'm from England, so how old are you, i'm not sure what sixth grade is? aww ur soo little...jk i am on 7th ummm a dress duh thats kinda of a duh question I'm guessing your a girl...?

Well anyways, at my first 6th grade dance i dressed semi-formal. I think i wore like, a black skirt, with a nice pink blouse. and some simple heels.
So it really depends on what kind of dance it will be. im in grade 7 trust me dress like you dress everyday but please don't get ur hair done and dress extra cause that won't work hope i helpedd bye!! You shouldn't be allowed to go until you can prove you know the difference between where and wear. well i dont know your i'll have to say this reffering to both sexes (you seem like a girl..)

i think the school's dress code effects this.. so nothing whoreish :) especially since your in grade 6.

grade 6 dances arent huge or anything, i remember wearing casual wear..everyone did.

nice top, fitted jeans (or skirt) something..clean? or maybe sleevless since its going to be HOT!! take a nice shower and put on d-orderant and perfume/colone cause you will SWEATT!! you dont want to smell around your friends.

oh and no extra touches to hair and face. make up will droop off and hair will mess is a dance afterall.

have fun! Wear something pretty! like a little mini dress or something! a skirt and a nice top would be fine! im sure what ever you wear will look fine! i hope i helped! well if its casual, jeans and a simple but cute shirt will do but if its formal either a dress or skirt with a nice shirt would be good. Um, first ask what dress the dance is. If, it's causual, then go for nice jeans and a nice shirt with comfy shoes. If it's formal, then depending if you're a guy or girl )no offense cause You don't say if your male or female) then if you're a girl, go for a pretty dress with VERY comfy shoes. If you're a guy, dress nicly, meaning NO BAGGY PANTS, AND NO T-SHIRTS OR JEANS! Hope I helped! i just did grade 6 and i did it at melbourne dance academy really good school email if u want detales( it's ballet)
hope it heLPS Clothes stupid.