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Dance costumes ideas: dolls?

hi! i made a dance and taught it to 5other girls and we will be performing it in december at our high school dance show. i am trying to think of some unique costumes for us! the music is the "factory song" from the newer movie of Charlie and the Choc. Factory. my basic idea of the dance is that we are dolls coming to life. and ideas?
thanks so much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That sounds very interesting! I wish that I could watch it :)

One of my ideas is to actually dress up like dolls! You could wear long shirts and shorts or dresses and aprons that you could decorate with bows, sequins, or plaid.

You could wear a lot of blush to make 'round cheeks' or braid your hair... you get the idea. I think it would be neat if you could pull off this look--and actually look like a the beginning use facial expressions and stare with wide eyes just like dolls and become lifelike

It's not the best idea ever, but I hope it helps! Source(s):
I've been a dancer for about 11 years and worn a ton of different costumes! try the website