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Do you think belly dance is being "ruined /misused"?

FIRST OFF this was not made to offend anyone dancers or anyone in particular.Just had to make things clear i know some people get offended really quick and easy.

What i mean is the dance is a nice expressive dance(really beautiful) but i find that some people are using it for sexual(i can't really find another word) attraction purposes like *cough* *cough*------- ho**w** a those bellydancing shows have on various performers performing in front of a (if you see the sultan you'll laugh so bad, the man looks so fake but anyway)what seems to be a prince/sultan in a very uh seductive way.

When i first saw it ,it sickened me because i love the dance and i don't believe you should use it in that way but that's just my opinion and some others agree .

So I'm asking you how do you feel about this and what is your opinion.Ok I'd like to hear your opinions about this but if you have anything bad or unnecessary to say..don't please...move on about your business.

Have A Nice Day :D

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2 days ago
obviously you're a guy and you really don't know what you're saying i bet you ya dont know one thing bout it

2 days ago
make a man desire more my ***

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
obviously you're a guy and you really don't know what you're saying i bet you ya dont know one thing bout it2 days ago
make a man desire more my *** Anything that is beautiful can be thrown in the mud and made dirty. It is very easy to misuse any sensual dance form. But the thing is, most real dancers or people with taste go "ewww" when they watch this. That's why I guess it is important for people to see the real art. So that they can tell diamonds from stones. But yes, it saddens me when I see a person with some dance training (bellydance, ballet, jazz, latin) using it in a distasteful way. And then some people who don't know any better say that bellydance is dirty. Bellydancing is meant to be sensual. Sounds like you're reading too much into it. It is a delight in the female form and she is meant to make the man desire more. Get over yourself a bit. Belly dance is beautiful art form it's seductive but not dirty. The problem is that it's become commercial...and unfortunately anything that becomes commercial can be twisted into other things. But real belly dance in it's tasteful way will always be an ART!!! When belldancing only for attraction, yes. But it has great health/ fitness benefits so stick to those.