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What is a chug in tap dancing?

i don't know how to do a chug for tap dancing. my dance step is:
chug brush step brush step shuffle.....etc.
1 + 2 + 3 +4

the brush is pulling towards you and i dont know what a chug is. help! thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A chug in tap dancing is kind of hard to explain in writing, but I'll try!

A chug can be on one foot or both. Either way, start on the balls of your feet (or foot), and then slide forward while dropping your heel. Generally your leg is slightly bent for balance while you do it. The heel sound should be pretty forceful.

If that makes absolutely no sense, he's a definition I found by google-ing it: A forward movement accenting the heel drop: With the weight on one foot, the free foot is raised; force the heel of the foot to the floor with exaggeration, thus moving the foot forward approximately 3 inches.

I hope this helps! (and makes sense, lol!) To do a chug, put all you weight on your left leg and on the ball of your foot slide it forward just a tad as you do, drop your heel. It is a downward motion that you should feel heavy doing.
Also, I can't figure out how that shuffle is supposed to be on the left foot since you just did a brush step on it. That should mean that your weight is on the left foot leaving the right foot open to do the shuffle. I just thought that you might want ot check and make sure that you wrote down your steps right.

Hope this helps! Good luck with your tapping!