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Position:Home>Dancing> What are the some steps to slow dancing?


What are the some steps to slow dancing?

Any tips, pointers, etc...will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That aren't really steps to slow-dancing. The guy holds the girl around the waist and the girl holds the guy around the neck and you just sway back and forth to the music. Nothing much too it. Sometimes when you sway, you sort of go around in a circle, or at least I did. It can kinda get boring after a while, so talking is fun!! Hope this helps!

Here's an extra pointer, try not to step on your partner's toes!!!! :) I think u should get classes.
It really helps when some one is showing u how to do it Move how you want to the music. Guide your partner. ^_^ How fancy do you want to get? You can hug and shuffle like most people, or you can do a full-blown social foxtrot (taught at your local ballroom studio). This is not, of course, the same foxtrot as you see on TV, but it's pretty close. The best pointer would be to take ballroom lessons, and tell them that your goal is not ballroom but social. This is a routine part of what they do for a living.