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How should i ask a girl to a dance?

i want ot ask a girl to a dance what should i do?!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hold your hand out to her and with confidence say that you like the song and was wondering if she'd like to dance. she'll be swept off her feet. best of luck. just ask her, say you really wanna go, and tell her you would like to go with her. Key thing is be confident, because if your not she will think you are some lame *** and more than likely you will get rejected i personally know exactly what to do, being a girl myself. never just ask her, have a calm conversation and then be lead into it. if she turns you down don't feel bad, that just means she's not the one for you. if you really want to turn on the romance factor give her a flower when you ask, but if you do this make sure she has no date 1st Ask her in person (preferably when she's alone- it makes it easier for you & her in that way) Either call her on the phone or better yet try talking to her in person,,,be brave after all she might just say yes ..... I think the sweetest thing would be to either stick with the classic, "would you like to dance" or just hold out your hand and smile. Or you can come up with something clever :) girls like clever statements and they always make the moment special. Unfortunaley, I'm not a very clever person, but I'm sure you can come up with something charming ;P Good luck with the girl and the dance!!! :D Ask her! Don't think about it, just do it! Good luck I hope she says yes! :) just go up to her and ask if shes going. then ask her if shes going with anyone. if she says no then be like me either we should go together.