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First school dance, advice??

Hi, i am a grade seven (boy) taking a grade eight (girl) to a school dance and i need tips on slow dancing and anything else, thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: be really sweet, dont be stiff when dancing and dont be quiet..think of fun things to do or weird dances or whatever. just have some fun and she'll love it :)

good luck! <3 Whoah dude i am proud of you.

You must be a HOTT GUY for a eight grader to go out with you.

The worst thing is to be nervous. You will start sweating and you will not feel good.

Just tell yourself she is a person like you. And dont take it very seriously just let yourself loosen up and go get her tiger.

If you start to get really close ... I suggest dirty dancing...


Good luck dude. let me just start by saying, aaawe!

its not hard to slow dance, just hold her waste, and sway. good luck! Watch Napoleon Dynamite very carefully and that should cover it...thanks for the 2 points.... How sweet! Just be yourself...Don't be too nervous! It would be very nice if you got her some flowers. And make sure you actually dance with her :)
Have fun! dnt be scared i think its sweet i wish all the seveys had the nerves to ask us upper classmen out dont do old school dancing just have fun be yourself and don't reeeeeeek of cologne Ask your mom & dad to help you learn how to dance. Or, rent some DVDs or videos of people dancing. Just stand by her the whole dance and show her that you like her. Then offer her to dance but dont be hasty about it i think y'all will have a good time. If you plan to kiss her then just do it and dont be shy. talk to her.I m going to the hc dance with my bf and im in 8th grade and that is what he did. it will work trust me It depends on the girl, but i think most girls would like a guy not to be imature when dancing with them. It's a special moment for them. Try to compliment her and try to be funny, not as in stupid or knock knock, but being smart with comebacks and stuff. Be charming Good luck!!!!!!! 1) When you're not slow dancing, don't be shy and just dance however it comes out.
2) When you are slow dancing, be more conservative but still don't be worried about getting embarassed.
3) Don't just walk around the grinding pit (or whatever your school calls it - the big mob of people right in front of the DJ dancing). Join it.

That's about it! Have fun! ? just be yourself try not to be nervous around her and while your dancing with her just go with the flow of the music. just be confident and DONT look at your feet the whole time its just makes things reallllyyyyy werid. plus if she dances with other guys dont FREAK out. but if shes like avoiding you or like rejects you everytime you ask her to dance than just ditch her and dance with other girls. if your confident then she wont want to dance with anyone else. believe me

hope that helps!! Ask your mom or a sister if available to help you. If not, gandma would be good too if she's living and nearby. A neighbor would be another dandy alternate choice. Watching movies are fine, but you have to practice too so you know how to move (it's very simple really) when the time comes to heading out on the dance floor. Relax, sway in time to the music (listen for the major beat that runs through the song), and most importantly -- have fun! Good luck too! put your hands gently on her waist, sway side to side slowly (but not too slowly) she will either put her hands on your shoulders or her arms around your neck. dont be nervous or you will not feel good at all. just do what feels right to do and don't be shy.