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Position:Home>Dancing> I love ballet but i'm really worried about my toes, lol! How do i avoid gett


I love ballet but i'm really worried about my toes, lol! How do i avoid getting ugly toes with Ballet? ty!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just make sure that your shoes fit properly and that you use the right padding (lambs wool, ouch pouches, etc...and it you have space between your big toe and second toe, get spacers to prevent bunions)

get fitted for pointe shoes at the store and pick the shoes that FEEL the best, NOT look the best...or course its much nicer to have shoes that look good, but it's really important that they fit properly (usually the shoes that fit properly for YOUR feet, will look good on YOUR feet...not necessarily your friends' though). then before you sew anything on, or take class, have you teacher check and approve them. Source(s):
pointe for 5 years (and counting) and my feet look completely normal...apart from the occasional blisters, nobody would even be able to tell i do ballet from just looking at me feet If you are worried about your toes then I recommend not dancing, cause every dancer has ugly toes. I few things I recommend though is to but bandages or cover up over those nasty blisters or scars. Never wear nail polish on your toes that will catch peoples eyes. And just was them really well. Thats what I do and only a few close people know exactly gross my feet are. just be sure to take really good care of your feet. it is inevitable that you will get callouses, but blisters and bunyons can be prevented! good luck! i've had almost 4 years of pointe and my feet arent really that bad! if u do pointe then u cant avoid it, its just something ur gonna hafta get over. dont wear open toed shoes I don't think there are any ways to avoid this. All dancers have ugly feet. I've been dancing for 11 years and out of my class, I have the least ugly feet, but my feet are unusual. I never get blisters or anything. hmm well talk to your teacher about it. he/she may have some good ideas.