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Position:Home>Dancing> What's the difference between the homecoming dance and the prom?


What's the difference between the homecoming dance and the prom?

lol, i forgot

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Homecoming is wrapped around the football team's game against the school's rival....
then afterward, there's the semi-formal dance... sort of dress to impress clothes, but not full-on tuxedos and dresses... usually held in the school gym or something of the sort
Prom.. fully formal, Limos, bouquets of flowers, tuxedo's, formal dresses, dinner... usually held at a fancy location away from the school grounds. well homecoming, is a dance for your homecoming football game.

plus all ages in high school can go.

prom is usually more formal, and it is typically for 11th and 12th graders. They're typically both formal affairs but some schools have casual or themed homecomings.

Homecoming goes back to the tradition of kicking off the new school year (and football season) by inviting and welcoming alumni to the big game - hence, the term "homecoming."

Prom, short for Promenade, goes back to the tradition (which was common in the South before the Civil War) of kicking off the Spring with a formal dance affair. i think homecoming is in the beginging and prom is at the end