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Position:Home>Dancing> What is a good way to learn how to dance, without taking classes?


What is a good way to learn how to dance, without taking classes?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I learned all my moves on youtube heres my video ->

but that's just cwalking so if you wanted to learn a different dance then your only option would be to take classes I guess get dvds. read books Get together with a group of friends.

And practice regularly on your own. It is really helpful to have at least a few lessons. if there is a certian type of dance that u want to learn u can always go on youtube. they have every dance you can think of and some of them even have like step by step instruction like with learnin how to crump and stuff...they help a lot and if u watch and practice they will help a lot watch vedioes and if needed buy cds which may a gud cd,that will really work out and practice more buks about the dance ur going to learn...and ask any of ur frnds about it also...
even i am planning to buy a cd 4 ballet dance and study it....except d difficult ones like pointe etc i may b buying a cd soon......
anyways, Good Luck!