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What is the right age for a child to start ballet?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is no "right" age to begin, but you have to go by the child's development and maturity. I have had 2 yr olds in my dance class that paid attention and followed directions and were wonderful dancers and students. I also have had 4 yr olds in my dance class who were too immature to handle a class setting and they were too easily distracted and never really showed any progress. NOW, does that mean a child who is easily distracted cannot be a dancer? NO, it will just be more of a challenge for them and for the teacher as they work through classes. A patient teacher is a must for these students. It has been my experience that some children who mature at a slower pace will not in any way be harmed by waiting a year and starting later.

With my own children, my daughter started dance at age 2 and did very well. My youngest son is 4, when I started him in class this year it was obvious that we will need to wait til next year and try again. Boys tend to mature later than girls, it doesn't bother me.

If you are wanting to start your child to give him/her the best to make it professionally, it is my opinion that they should start by the age of 7 or 8. Can they start earlier? Absolutely, it can benefit them to begin at a young age. If they don't start until 7 or 8 yrs old are they too far behind to "catch up"? No, they are still at an age where they can learn and process all the basic step quickly and they are at an age where they can understand some of the concepts of body line and movement.