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How many dancers are vegetarian?

If you dance, are you a vegetarian? How long have you danced, and how long have you been a vegetarian?

I'm just curious, if it is something common in dancers, and if that helps them maintain their weight, or if they are for other reasons.

I am a veg, and I turned veg when 14, and have been dancing a little longer than 15 years.

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6 months ago
It seems plane is the only one who understands what I am asking. I still get protein without the meat. And I am not saying you have to be vegetarian to dance, I am ask asking how many dancers ARE vegetarian, and if the weight they had before changed to less after they became a vegetarian. I'm just curious to know that other dancers are veggies.

6 months ago
And yes, I dance ballet. Pointe.

6 months ago
Cupid, I stopped being a teenager years ago.

6 months ago
Billie Jean King was a vegetarian, and she is one of the most famous athletes of all time. I'd say she was pretty fit. I am also a gymnast of 10 years.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
It seems plane is the only one who understands what I am asking. I still get protein without the meat. And I am not saying you have to be vegetarian to dance, I am ask asking how many dancers ARE vegetarian, and if the weight they had before changed to less after they became a vegetarian. I'm just curious to know that other dancers are veggies.