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TIPS:how do you decorate a formal dance for school?

its Winter formal at our middle school..
its going to take place in our cafeteria, and outside under a awning sort of place

we can hang things from the awning place outside, like stars, etc.
the theme;is winter wonderland
but is named FROZEN in TImE

the cafe. is the first thing u see when u walk into the school from the door.
What do u suggest we should hang?
The decoration inside?
the stage is in the cafe. DJ will be playing there.

It has to be cheap decoration ideas. PLEASE.
and also what should be centerpieces for the tables where they eat.

snacks for them to eat. its might be pretty cold that night...

tips and advice.
please. ;-)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what a fun theme! :)

ok, snowflakes are easy. and you'll make lots of people happy if you use recycled paper to make them. dig through the recycle bin, cut the paper in circles and then hand out stacks to the teachers. ask them to have students make snowflakes in their free time. the only way snowflakes will work is if you have a LOT of them. :) hang the snowflakes from the ceiling with string or wire. your custodian can probably help with this part.

frozen in time! since most of the decorating will be taken care of by the student body in their spare time, you and the dance committee will have lots of time to make clocks. use construction paper and markers (try number stickers if you can fit it into the budget). get creative and colorful! stick with cool colors, though. blues, purples, and maybe a few greens. have all of the clocks on the same time. i would hang a mixture of clocks and snowflakes from the awning.

either group a lot of decorations at the entrance or make one GIANT decoration. it might be fun to make students walk through a giant clock to get into the dance. ?? you'll also need to write out the theme at the entrance. try to use stencils to make nice-looking letters. i'm sure one of the teachers will have letter stencils you can use. use construction paper for the letters, and then post on the wall, doors, or a large piece of paper or cloth to hang.

dig up some white fabric. ask around for old bedsheets. you can do some simple tie-dying with paint, dye or KOOL-AID. stick to purple and blue. if you use kool-aid, the color will be really subtle, so the white "snow" will stand out once the lights have dimmed. depending on how many sheets you can gather, use the "snow" to cover the DJ table and food tables. if you can't find enough sheets, just cover every other table!

something easy to set up and clean up. tables always look better with a tablecloth over them. try to use supplies that are laying around. empty soup cans (preferably the silver ones)? take off the label. tie a blue or purple ribbon (hit the stores after christmas for cheap gift ribbon) around the can. then find "stems" (sticks from trees, pencils, straws....). make a "flower arrangement" by attaching two mini snowflakes and one clock to the stems, and then put them in the vase (soup can). each table will be slightly unique! you can drop a few snowflakes on the tabletops, too.

the basics. cookies, brownies, apple cider. chips & salsa. some veggies... and whatever else the moms are willing to make for you! :)

best of luck! have fun! keep things simple! delegate, delegate, delegate!! :)