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What do i do?

ok, my mom is wanting me to go to a ballet school so i can learn it but i want to go to an acting school. she says i have more of a chance to get something if i go to ballet school. but i hate ballet it has always seemed so boring to me. i love acting and singing though. my mom said she would probably more than likely not pay for acting school if that is what i chose. i know if i take ballet then i will hate it and never be amused by it. how do i tell my mom that i hate ballet and when i do tell her how do i get her to let me go to acting school?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As a father and former musician, can I tell you something?

Your mom may be doing you a favor. Ballet is MUCH more difficult than acting or singing. If you can do each of them well, you are what is known in the business as a "triple threat". Someone who can dance, sing, and act is more of an asset than just a singer and actor. Let's face it, ANYONE can sing and act. Not everyone can dance.

Use this experience that your mom is offering you and learn from it. Not just the dance, itself, but the freindships you will have, the struggles you will have in learning and practicing and the performance time this is going to give you on stage.

I'm serious when I say that this could be the best worst experience in you life.