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How Do You Do A Back Walkover?

I can do a front put I cant do a back. Please Help!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here are my tips on doing back walkovers:
While you are going back you have to be pulling your leg back at the same time. Otherwise it is choppy and MUCH harder to get over. Start with your leg up (make sure you have your balance), its easier.
When first practicing, do it on a mattress or better, a trampoline.
Make sure you KEEP YOUR ARMS OVER YOUR HEAD. Many give out and then PLOP on your head and it hurts!
Have someone spot you first, arching your back.
Make sure you have your bridge first, or trying to do a back walk over is crazy! Practice your back bends a lot.

Another exercise is to do a bridge with your feet up on something(a couch, bed, etc). Then, kick your legs over your head. To strengthen your back, do this same exercise, only try to use your back to pull your legs over, instead of kicking.

Good luck!