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How do you take control of your self when dancing on stage?

i get really nervous when i'm up on stage or on the dance floor... and sometimes i stops me from doing the move i want to do.. how do i overcome that fear...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Don't look at the audience. Look above their heads or to the place where seiling meets the wall, if that's not too high in your building.

Other than that and practicing a lot - do as many performances with the audience as you can. This worry wears off with time. You'll always be a little nervous, that's normal, but you won't be too nervous.

The audience usually doesn't know exactly what step you were supposed to be dancing. As long as it looks smooth and it flows, it's usually OK if you substitute a step or two, as long as you look as if it was ment to be danced this way.