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What if i make a mistake at the dance?

my dance is tomorrow and ive been dating this guy for over 2 months (almost 3) and we are going to the dance tomorrow...what if i step on his toe or something ....what would i can i prevent this? nervous!

truly yours...holly

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can prevent this by not worrying too much about it. Dance is for fun, so enjoy and have fun. If you step on his toe you say "I'm sorry". Don't worry, even if that happens - you won't hurt him badly, but you will see how he reacts to it and you will learn more about him. If whines all evening about it, or he just smiles and says "no problem", or he responds with a joke. Anyway, don't worry. Just don't do it on purpose and don't step on his toes with your heels.